Nina Maschi
A puppeteer since she was four
A million shows she's made and more!
Myriads of marionettes-now Dancing dancing!
Wildly prancing
Jumping Leaping
Never sleeping
In Pakistan,
In Spain in France
The little puppets
Wave and dance
Their hearts so big-
Their feet so small
Athena breathed life
into them all.
She stitched she sewed
She glued and stuck
The naughty puppets
ran a muck!
I Cesare Maschi
Cesare loved the
puppets so He went each day to see a show!
Holding now his
granddad's hand
He travelled the land. The grand old puppets
of Turin
Did love him so they
told him
To hold aloft their controls so tight
That they might in a battle fight!
Oh to the death!
We' ll rise again
Don't disregard the
puppets pain!